For a more in-depth explanation, please refer to our detailed CharterPD Guide.
Choosing Learning Competencies
Step 1: Take a look at the WRCCS Competencies & Proficiencies and find the category your role falls under (Authorizer, Governance Board, Leadership, or Classroom).
Step 2: Determine which Competencies you'd like to complete through CharterPD.
Planning Your Experiences
Step 3: Make a plan - which proficiency(ies) will you explore and work towards in the next two months?
Step 4: Reach out to WRCCS to begin your CharterPD progress. You can email us at to let us know you're interested, and we'll offer support and guidance along the way.
- We will set up an initial meeting with you to go over the process, give you the materials you need, and set check-ins throughout the year to help guide you.
Learning and Documenting Your Growth
Step 5a: You've chosen your competency or competencies and connected with the WRCCS staff. The rest of this process focuses on your learning and growth and you can now begin.
Step 5b: Documenting your work.
- A Google folder will be shared with you that contains your school's name and your role. Within this folder there will be a document that indicates which competencies you are working towards. You will be able to upload evidence that pertains to the learning and growth you're doing with that competency.
- For example, if you are a school administrator and working on earning a CharterPD Badge for the "Leadership - Legal" competency, focused on the proficiency around "creating/revising a student handbook that has language around discipline policies, grievance policies, complaint process etc", the evidence you would upload is the student handbook you are creating/editing for your charter school.
Once evidence is uploaded, a WRCCS team member will review your evidence and connect with you via a virtual check-in.
Goals of Completing CharterPD
- Understand the requirement as stated in the competencies
- Work toward growth in these areas
- Record evidence of the work
- Be rewarded for this professional development:
- Badges and recognition through WRCCS
- The ability to mentor other schools and receive stipends for your expertise